About Apocalypse West
Why Apocalypse West?
Because, although the impulse to vid did not start with three HorseChicks sharing an apartment in L.A., the impetus to get a tape together for MediaWest*20 did. Since said apartment is called Apocalypse West, the name stuck, and mutated onto other HorseChicks (namely, Apocalypse MidWest, Apocalypse Old West and Apocalypse-by-the-Bay).
OK, fine, Apocalypse West. I get it. Why HorseChicks of the Apocalypse?
It’s a very long story. Suffice to say that it includes Highlander’s fifth season episodes about the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and way too much silliness. In short order, we had our very own Death, StratWar, TactWar, Chaos and Plague, and we scared lots of people at SyndiCon East ’97. Within a couple of years, we had added Doom and our very own StableGirl (trust me, she’s not that stable). Plus, now we have Madness running around. (Madness runs in my family. She practically gallops.) And we have Havoc wreaking herself all over the darned place (and who cleans up after her I ask you? I’m asking you because it’s a mess in here…)
I love your vids! You are all brilliant. I want to tell you how wonderful you all are!
What’s your e-mail address?
You have excellent taste. (Sucking up always helps.) All of the Apocalypse West vidders can be reached by e-mailing chicks@apocalypsewest.com.
I already have your vids. Do you recommend anyone else?
Indeedy we do. California Crew has a twenty-year history of doing vids and doing them outstandingly. On the other end of the spectrum,
Still Reeling is a new group that is absolutely mind-bogglingly good. Other groups we like are Chicago Loop,
Chris and Christina, and the Media Cannibals. If you know of any other groups, let us know so that we can link to them (or at least to their ordering information) so that you, too can spend all day listening to songs saying, “That would make a really good Buffy vid” or “What if Ray and Benny met up with Dudley Duright in that song…?”
You guys make it look so easy! How do you vid?
*All HorseChicks fall to the ground laughing.* No, no, we’re not laughing at you. It’s just that “easy” isn’t the word that comes to mind. “Hellish” is one choice. “Insane” is another. “Frelling dren” is a third.
Kiki and Celli vid by the analog method, direct tape-to-tape, using editing VCRs and audio inputs. Perri’s, Kiki’s and Abby’s comments on analog vidding.
Val, Dianne, Lizbet, and now Perri and Abby vid by the digital method, importing clips into the computer, editing and adding music, then exporting them to the VCR. Val’s
and Dianne’s comments on digital vidding.